Hello friends!
I won't lie. There have been a lot of newly-moving parts in my life over the last few weeks. Some have been awesome, some haven't. And that's okay - I think Mercury in retrograde has been a rough ride (seriously though? She's acting like I f***ed her boyfriend and is taking it very personally. Send help.).
So I took some time to create a new space for myself. It's not my typical style, but it's very eclectic/boho/cottage core and yeah. It sparks joy.
I typically don't share my personal spaces, but if you head over to the gallery you can see a few more photos.
And now... back to work(ish)! I have a new build set I've been itching to play with (courtesy of a friend) and a new video to build a set for. Yay!
I hope everyone is doing well! As always, if you see something you like and need help locating it let me know.
All My Love,
Lemony ♥
Patio Furniture: Scarlet Creative
Outdoor bar: Granola
Hot Tub: Apple Fall
Kitchen: {vespertine}
Dining: Dust Bunny
Sofa and Bed: ~BAZAR~
Bathroom: Dust Bunny & Consignment
Misc. decor: Madras, Seven Emporium, Consignment, Balaclava, Mithral, Dust Bunny, Apple Fall, Fancy Decor, Candle & Cauldron, .random.matter.,
Outside (there's a LOT out there so I'm just going to list the creators... but again, see something you need? Let me know)
House: Scarlet Creative's Rainforest Hideaway
Apple Fall
Candle & Cauldron
Happy Mood
Little Branch
Schultz Bros.
Studio Skye
The Looking Glass